5 Ways to Add Pizzazz to your Meal Train® Delivery

Enhance your contribution with some memorable details.

Did you sign up on a Meal Train to help a friend or family member through a tough time? Are you preparing your meal but want to make it extra special? Adding a few thoughtful details shows someone who just had a baby, underwent surgery, or experienced a death in the family a little extra TLC. Here’s how you can add some style to your meal train delivery.

1. Include a label

Print some cheerful labels to put on all your dishes with the name of the food, its ingredients, and any preparation instructions. This will make it easy for your recipient and show you went above and beyond when making their meal. 

Printable Meal Train label

2. Take a picture to share with friends

When you’re getting ready to drop off the meal, take a picture of everything prepped and ready to go. You can do it at your house beforehand or with the recipient if they’re comfortable. Then, share it with friends to inspire others to sign up for the Meal Train as well. (We would love to see it too. #MealTrain)

3. Drop off a favorite magazine or book

Everyone loves a sweet surprise. Because of the way Meal Trains are organized, your recipient will know that they’re receiving a meal ahead of time. However, you can go out of your way to include one of their favorite magazines or books to keep them entertained. This is a great option for anyone who can’t get out of the house. For example, someone on bedrest or healing from surgery would really appreciate some new reading material or a puzzle book.

4. Write a “thinking of you” card

Include a thoughtful card with your meal. Again, this is just a small way to show them they’ve been on your mind and you hope to brighten their day. Here’s what you can write:

  • “Thinking of you always makes my day.”
  • “Just wanted to send some happy thoughts your way.”
  • "Keeping you close in my thoughts.”
  • “Here’s hoping you have a better day today.”
  • “I can’t wait to catch up with you soon.”
  • “Just felt like sharing a smile with you today.”

5. Add in a toy for a child or pet

If you’re delivering a meal to a family, consider adding in a special treat for the child (or children) and pets that belong to that family. During times of crises, children and pets often suffer as well because of the additional stress on their caregivers. Bringing over a new toy, puzzle, movie, bag of cat or dog treats, or something else entertaining can help to give parents a bit of relief. It’s not fun for anyone to be cooped up during a difficult time, but it’s significantly harder when you have little ones or furry friends to care for.

Final thoughts

Add some extra pizzazz to your Meal Train® delivery! You’re already doing a great service for someone…why not go the extra mile and make it special?! Small details show a lot of love!