
View and manage the participant list

The Participant List is a powerful way to help keep track of volunteers. On the main Meal Train page, click on the avatar icons under the Participants section.

Arrow points to three dots next to participant bubbles to open to participant list.

How to get on the list:

  • Invite sent via Meal Train Add (option 7)
  • User books a date, makes a cash donation, sends a gift card, OR signs in while viewing the Meal Train page

Organizers and recipients:

  • Can see the volunteer name (user has an account) OR a truncated email address (user does not have an account)
  • Can remove participants
  • Can email all or email an individual
  • Cannot edit or add names to other user accounts. Only the account holder can do this.

Important: General participants are only able to view truncated email addresses and email individuals one-by-one.

Pro Tips:

Address Book: It is not advisable to add email addresses to a participant list in an attempt to update your recurring address book between events. Your best option is to track new participants on a list outside of To do so, open a new Word document and build and save your invitation list here (emails separated by a comma). Then, when you have a new page, you can use the Meal Train Add button on the share modal and paste it in.

View past date bookings: To view past booked dates on a Meal Train page and view the Calendar in list view.  Just below the list of dates, click on the View All Dates button

View cash donors (Organizers and Recipient only): Click the Edit Page button, then click the Manage Donations button, then the Summary tab.

Fixing the email address or name on a date you booked for someone else: Please send a request to Meal Train Support via the contact form or to with the name and the email address of the giver and we will correct it for you.

Meal Train Thank you notes and sent emails: does not save sent emails. Unfortunately, we do not know who you sent thank you cards to. 😉

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