
6 Tips to get more from your Meal Train

BEST PRACTICES: Organizers who complete all 6 have the greatest participation rates.

Donation Fund turned on and goal displayed

Turn on the Donation Fund
Volunteer thinks: "How can I participate if I don't live near my recipient or I'm not a great cook?" The Donation Fund is the best option. Learn more.

Invite and Share

Share your Meal Train page via email, Facebook, text and more. Learn more.

Illustrated computer screen with cup of coffee.

Post an Update to my participants

Updates are a great way to keep those on your participant list up to date and to reduce the burden for the recipient of answering too many same questions. Learn more.

Caring person.

Add a photo and story

Meal Train pages with a photo and story have 5X participation rates. Learn more.

Meal Train logo

Add an icon to your phone or browser

A great way to get back to your Meal Train page quickly! Learn more.

Generic example of calendar booking.

Add a second Organizer to a Meal Train page

A secondary organizer, like a friend or the recipient's spouse, helps with invitations, updates, and communication. Learn more.

You can make many of these changes from the Edit page on your Meal Train.

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